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Trade Smarter

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Your Ultimate Trading Journal App

Analyze your performance by setup, day, hour and more

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Track your rules and see their results to stay accountable


View your historical performance

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Add trades with ease, journal, & connect to brokers

Track your setups to determine which strategies work best

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3 Steps to Boost Your Performance

Make it a habit: journal every trade. This practice provides crucial insights into your decisions and their outcomes, enabling continuous improvement.

Step 1

Journal Diligently:

Use AccuTrader's insights to analyze your trends, recognize your strengths, opportunities, and bad habits. This allows you to fine-tune your strategy.

Step 2

Identify Key Trends:

Leverage your data to refine your trading approach, enhancing both focus and performance. Transform yourself into a more disciplined and consistent trader.

Step 3

Boost Your Performance:

​Brilliant app, no more using excel!!

- Dana K

Users Count

This app keeps myself in check, helps remove emotions from trading. It's been a game changer

- Shakalaka23

Helps me track and follow my rules

- cdoucette826

Highly recommended, so much helpful data

- rgaines6749

Provides key statistics that matter

- Samer G

  • When will the app be available on Android?
    We're trying our best to make sure we release the android version ASAP to cover all mobile devices. In the meantime you can fill out a form to be notified once it's available.
  • Is there a trial period?
    Yes! There is a 3-day free trial period to try the app before subscribing.
  • Can I make multiple accounts?
    There’s no need to make multiple accounts as the app can handle multiple profiles within the same account.
Android Waitlist Sign Up


Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
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